The Leveling Up project investigated the learning dynamics of interest-driven online groups that support academically-relevant knowledge seeking and expertise development. How do online groups and platforms support feedback, publicity, and reputation development that fosters skills and expertise? What kinds of learning resources are in the environment, such as teachers, coaches, and instructional materials? What kinds of social and technological supports encourage young people to participate, persist, and achieve? What are the learning and social outcomes of participation?
Mimi Ito and I served as Co-PIs on the work. Our new book, Mastering Multiplayer, will be published by NYU Press in 2018. Additional writing includes:
“Welcome to Sackboy Planet: Connected Learning Among LittleBigPlanet 2 Players.” By Matthew H. Rafalow, Katie Salen Tekinbaş. Connected Learning Research Network series, 2014.
“Crafting the Metagame: Connected Learning in the Starcraft II Community.” By Yong Ming Kow and Katie Salen Tekinbaş. Connected Learning Research Network series, 2014.